Casting for our new project, Legacy Breed, shooting in April has been set. I'll be sharing the details over the next few posts. First up, Lilli Hokama, who plays the protagonist -- a college student with a deadly family secret [...]
Is it writer’s block if I should be working on the screenplay revisions for the April 27 shoot, but I’m blogging instead? It also might be another form of resistance that I’ll christen “partner’s block” for purposes of this post😊 [...]
We are casting for the new horror short FBC Films has picked as its next project. Filming starts in April. While we were hoping to bring on some of our cast from The Battle Below, there was only one character [...]
FBC Films has picked its next project, a horror series, and filming starts in April. The goal for the first shoot is to pull together a sizzle reel representing a few minutes of the arc of the series that we [...]
FBC Films is thrilled to be off-Broadway as co-producer of this world premiere! Theater provocateur Brian Dykstra returns to 59E59 with an explosive new play about free speech, the dangers of polarization, and using art as a means for change. See the play March 9-April [...]
In the last few months, three very different pitches came across the FBC Films radar looking for project funding – a horror movie, a dramatic film, a dramatic play. We’re participating in the play and will be sharing more about [...]
My favorite zombie entertainment choices are still the George Romero classics, 28 Days Later more recently, and The Walking Dead for the small screen. But recently, I’ve come across additional fun entries in the zombie genre: Kevin Wayne Williams is [...]
My recent movie queue has filled up with films that feature nature as a key character in furthering the plot: The nature in Life is a speck of Mars dust gone amok – maybe it’s on a separate planet for [...]
A short film packed with star power is set to premiere later this year There are some things that people just don’t associate with short films, and casinos and big Hollywood names are just some of them. Many have come [...]
Bruce Faulk rewrote a scene from Game of Thrones where a Colorized version of Tywin and Jaime Lannister work to resurrect Khal because he was the only non-white major character. (By Colorized we mean Black and Asian folks playing the [...]